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The image features the word BUMKINS in bold, teal letters with yellow dots above the I and at the end near the S. The background is transparent.The image features the word BUMKINS in bold, teal letters with yellow dots above the I and at the end near the S. The background is transparent.
☼ Deconstructing Dietary Restrictions ☼ Carrot Applesauce Muffins

☼ Deconstructing Dietary Restrictions ☼ Carrot Applesauce Muffins

▶︎Adventurous Eaters is our space for parents to contribute how they've dealt with picky eaters. Each month we will have a guest contributor to help give tips and tricks and share recipes with you all. Our guest this month is Brittany of @icook_theyeat◀︎

Hi everyone! This is Brittany from @icook_theyeat on Instagram and I’m super excited to be apart of Bumkins new Adventurous Eaters series! If you’ve never visited my profile let me tell you that I’m all about family, food, & fun. I believe in creating food that is exciting and taste like home. When it comes to feeding my daughter we’ve always believed in her eating the food that I make for everyone. As she’s grown we’ve learned how to adapt to her “pickiness” while still introducing her to new foods. 

One of the biggest hurdles we’ve faced is my own health issues. I have 2 medical conditions with extremely different diet restrictions, which basically means I can’t eat anything my family can. As you can imagine, trying to engage your child in trying new foods isn’t easy when you yourself can’t show her how fun and delicious it is to eat. Plus, she has never enjoyed raw veggies, dip or no dip, which has made creativity key to getting all the best and most nutritious food into her growing body! 

Here's where muffins come in handy! From egg muffins, to sweet muffins, and savory versions, I’ve been able to sneak every veggie inside without much fuss from my sometimes veggie resistant daughter. This time around I took one of her favorite snacks (carrot applesauce muffins!) and turned it into the fluffiest muffin you could ask for, plus I was able to get in a veggie and tons of fabulous protein without adding eggs!


Carrot Applesauce Muffins

  • 1 c Carrot Applesauce 
  • 1/2 c Whole Milk Yogurt 
  • 1/2c Whole Milk Kefir 
  • 1tsp vanilla extract 
  • 1 banana, smashed 
  • 1c Chickpea flour 
  • 1/2c Spelt flour 
  • 1tsp baking soda 
  • 1tsp baking powder 
  • 2tbsp hemp seeds 
  • 1tbsp chia seeds 
  • 2-4 tbsp coconut sugar 
  • Pinch salt 
  • 2-3 small carrots, grated
  • 1 small apple chopped or diced 


Preheat oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit.
Line or grease your muffin tin.
Mix all your dry ingredients together, and set aside.

Mix all wet ingredients until fully incorporated, then add to your dry mix. Whisk until about 3/4 mixed, then add your grated carrot and chopped apple. Stir until you can’t see the flour. Fill your molds 3/4 up and bake in the oven for about 13-15 mins. Take out and let cool on a wire rack for 5 mins.


Perfect for a quick breakfast, an easy snack, or a side for lunch!
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